Top 10 JavaScript Courses Online On Udemy

JavaScript Course 2023: From Beginner to Expert

The “JavaScript Course 2023: From Beginner to Expert” offered on Udemy targets individuals seeking to gain knowledge in JavaScript, a widely utilized programming language for web development.

This program pledges to transform you from a beginner to an expert in JavaScript, covering the language’s fundamental concepts and progressing to its more complex topics. The curriculum could encompass subjects such as data structures, syntax, arrays, functions, objects, and asynchronous programming, among others.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a popular, high-level programming language used for web development. Running on the user’s browser, it adds dynamic elements such as form validation, dynamic menus, interactive maps, etc. to web pages, working in conjunction with HTML and CSS to create visually appealing and interactive websites.

What Is JavaScript Used For?

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language that has become one of the most widely used languages for web development. It enables developers to create engaging, interactive, and dynamic web pages and applications. Here are some of the primary uses of JavaScript:

  • Dynamic User Interface
  • Web Forms
  • Animation
  • Backend Development
  • Mobile and Desktop Applications

The Reasons Why You Should Consider This Course

If you’re looking to learn JavaScript or take your skills to the next level, the “JavaScript Course 2023: From Beginner to Expert” course on Udemy is a great option to consider. Here are some reasons why this course is worth your time and investment:

  • By taking the JavaScript course, you’ll gain a solid understanding of this language and be able to apply it in a wide range of contexts.
  • By learning JavaScript, you’ll be able to develop skills that are highly valued in the job market, making it easier to find work as a developer.
  • By taking the JavaScript course, you’ll be able to develop the skills needed to work with these companies, or any other company that uses JavaScript for web development.
  • The “JavaScript Course 2023: From Beginner to Expert” on Udemy is designed specifically for beginners, making it accessible to anyone who wants to learn.
  • By taking the course, you’ll learn how to use JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic elements to your web pages, improving the user experience and making your pages more engaging.
  • The “JavaScript Course 2023: From Beginner to Expert” on Udemy is taught by experienced instructors who are experts in JavaScript and web development. 
  • The course has been structured in a modular fashion with defined pathways to make your learning journey more efficient.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

The “JavaScript Course 2023: From Beginner to Expert” on Udemy offers a comprehensive curriculum for learning JavaScript. Key topics covered include:

  • 5 hands-on projects will be built to enhance your portfolio. Learn how to conceptualize and structure apps with flowcharts and established JavaScript patterns.
  • Study JavaScript basics like variables, if/else statements, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, and strings.
  • Explore modern features like arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, default arguments, and optional chaining.
  • Gain insights into the workings of JavaScript engines, the call stack, hoisting, scoping, and the “this” keyword.
  • Dive into functions, arrow functions, first-class and higher-order functions, bind, and closures.
  • Study concepts like prototypal inheritance, constructor functions, classes, encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Learn about the event loop, promises, async/await, error handling, and accessing third-party APIs via AJAX calls.
  • Get introduced to tools used by web developers, such as NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules.

Ideal Audience for This Course

This course is ideal for you if:

  • You aspire to become an expert in JavaScript..
  • You try to learn JavaScript but still feel unsure or lack confidence in applying it to practical projects.
  • You aim to use popular front-end libraries/frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, or Node.js in the future.
  • You seek to enhance your JavaScript skills with advanced topics..

In conclusion, JavaScript offers numerous possibilities to enhance your website and create a memorable browsing experience for users. However, it’s important to ensure that your website’s page experience, performance, and rankings are not negatively impacted.



Modern JavaScript (Complete guide, from Novice to Ninja)

Master Modern JavaScript: From Ground Up to Advanced Level and Create Stunning Applications

Why to choose this course

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the most loved language, JavaScript. Starting from scratch, you’ll progress to building dynamic and interactive web experiences. 

  • You’ll quickly learn the essentials to get you started and then delve into the exciting aspects of web-page manipulation, interactive forms, pop-ups, and other cool effects.
  • After mastering the fundamentals, you’ll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge to real-world JavaScript projects
  • Additionally, you’ll delve into more advanced topics, including object-oriented programming, handling asynchronous code, working with real-time databases using Firebase (with a dedicated chapter on the latest Firebase 9), and much more.

Ideal Audience for This Course

  • New or junior developers seeking a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript.
  • Front-end developers looking to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with modern and cutting-edge JavaScript techniques.
  •  Back-end developers interested in expanding their knowledge to include front-end development using JavaScript.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these topics and what you can expect to learn in a JavaScript course on Udemy.

  • Control Flow: You will learn how to use if/else statements to execute code based on certain conditions, as well as for and while loops for repetitive operations.
  • JavaScript Basics: The course will start by teaching you the fundamentals of JavaScript, including syntax, data types, and variables. 
  • Functions & Methods: You will learn how to create and use functions, including how to pass arguments and return values. 
  • Object Literals: You will learn about object literals, including how to create and use them, as well as how to access and modify their properties. 
  • The Document Object Model: You will learn about the DOM, including how to access and modify elements in a web page.

What are requirements for this course

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the two fundamental technologies used to create static web pages. 

In conclusion, a JavaScript course on Udemy covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of control flow and JavaScript syntax, to more advanced topics such as object literals and the document object model. Whether you are a new or junior developer, or a front-end or back-end developer looking to expand your skills, a JavaScript course on Udemy can provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to become a skilled JavaScript developer.


JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

This Udemy course delves into the intricacies of JavaScript, providing in-depth coverage of topics such as objects and object literals, prototypical inheritance, function expressions, scope chains, functional programming, and function constructors.

With an emphasis on ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the latest version of JavaScript, learners will have the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive advantage in the field.

Why to choose this course

This course on Udemy offers you the opportunity to master JavaScript and take your web development skills to the next level.

  • You can familiarize yourself with the workings of JavaScript and its core principles
  • You can master advanced techniques like Closures, Prototype Inheritance, IIFEs, and others
  • You can stay clear of common errors made by other JavaScript developers
  • You can develop your own custom JavaScript framework or library
  • You can produce robust and effective JavaScript code
  • You can significantly enhance your troubleshooting skills in JavaScript
  • You can explore the inner workings of popular JavaScript frameworks.

Ideal Audience for This Course

The course is suitable for a variety of audiences such as:

  • Individuals with a foundation in JavaScript who seek to enhance their abilities
  • Skilled programmers transitioning from other programming languages
  • Both new and experienced JavaScript coders who desire to gain a deeper understanding of the language
  • Those who have struggled to grasp concepts like Object Prototypes, Closures, and other advanced topics
  • Those who have encountered unexpected errors while writing JavaScript and want to understand the cause and prevent similar issues in the future
  • Individuals who aspire to create their own frameworks or have a better understanding of the source code of established frameworks and libraries.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

Understanding what is included in the course curriculum is crucial for students as it can help them plan their studies, set achievable goals, and measure their progress.

  • Execution Contexts and Lexical Scopes
  • Data Types and Operational Mechanics
  •  Object-Oriented Programming and Functionality
  • Constructing Complex Objects
  • Miscellaneous Concepts and Techniques
  • TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6)

What are requirements for this course

Taking a course in JavaScript programming can be a great way to expand your skills and knowledge in the field. 

Basic JavaScript Knowledge: The course assumes that students have a basic understanding of JavaScript programming, including variables, loops, and basic functions. 

A Browser and Text Editor: To participate in this course, you will need access to a browser and a text editor. A browser is used to run and test your JavaScript code,

In conclusion, a typical course curriculum in JavaScript programming will cover a range of topics, from fundamental concepts such as execution contexts and lexical environments to more advanced topics such as TypeScript and ES6. Understanding what is included in the course curriculum can help students set realistic expectations and make the most of their learning experience.


ES6 JavaScript: The Complete Developer’s Guide – Udemy

Dive into the world of ES6 JavaScript Development from the ground up. Enhance your skills through hands-on practice with real-life examples and gain a comprehensive understanding of when to use the various ES6 features effectively.

Why To Choose This Course

This course is designed to help you become a confident and skilled JavaScript developer. Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • You will learn how to use each feature of ES6 in real-world situations, giving you the ability to apply what you’ve learned to your own projects.
  •  Gain a complete understanding of generators, one of the most powerful features of ES6, and how to use them to simplify your code.
  • This course will equip you with the knowledge to teach other developers about destructuring, a key feature of ES6 that can make your code more efficient and readable.
  • Get a comprehensive understanding of the major features of ES6 and how they differ from ES2015.
  • Say goodbye to complicated for loops and embrace the new and improved ways of iterating over arrays and objects in ES6.

Ideal Audience for This Course

The ES6 JavaScript Development from Scratch course on Udemy is designed for developers who want to take their skills to the next level. Here are some reasons why this course is perfect for you:

  • If you’ve been wondering when and how to use generators in your projects, then this course is for you. You will learn exactly when and how to use generators to simplify your code and improve its efficiency.
  • ES6 introduced the keywords ‘const’ and ‘let’, which can be confusing for some developers. This course will give you a deep understanding of why these keywords were added and when to use them.
  •  ES6 provides many new and improved ways of writing cleaner and more readable code. If you want to write code that’s easier to maintain and more visually appealing, then this course is for you.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

The ES6 Javascript Development from Scratch course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the essential features of ES6. Here’s a closer look at what’s included in the course:

  • The “forEach” Helper: The “forEach” helper is a powerful tool for iterating over arrays in ES6.
  • The “map” Helper: The “map” helper is a great way to transform arrays in ES6.
  • The “filter” Helper: The “filter” helper is an efficient way to filter out elements from an array in ES6.
  • The “find” Helper: The “find” helper is a convenient way to find elements in an array in ES6.
  • The “every” and “some” Helpers: The “every” and “some” helpers are useful for checking elements in an array in ES6.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

In order to get the most out of the course, it is recommended that you have prior experience with the following concepts:

  • Arrays: Arrays are a crucial part of JavaScript and are used to store collections of data.
  • Functions: Functions are blocks of code that can be executed whenever they are called.
  • Objects: Objects are used to store collections of data in key-value pairs.

If you have a basic understanding of these concepts, then you are ready to start learning about ES6 and how to apply it in your own projects.

In conclusion, if you want to take your JavaScript skills to the next level, then this ES6 JavaScript Development course on Udemy is the perfect choice for you. With hands-on learning, practical examples, and a comprehensive understanding of the major features of ES6, you will be well on your way to becoming a confident and skilled JavaScript developer.


JavaScript Basics for Beginners – Udemy

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest in JavaScript resources available online! Enhance your JavaScript skills by constructing an impressive portfolio of projects.

Why To Choose This Course?

If you want to become a skilled JavaScript developer, then this course is for you. Let’s explore five reasons why you should choose this course to master JavaScript.

  • The course covers all the essential concepts in JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, functions, arrays, objects, and more.
  • You will learn the best practices for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. You will learn how to structure your code, how to use comments, and how to debug your code. developers.
  • One of the main goals of this course is to help you write solid JavaScript code.
  • In this course, you will work on projects that will challenge your problem-solving skills and help you develop your critical thinking.
  • You will learn how to avoid these mistakes and how to write clean, robust code. You will also learn how to use testing and debugging techniques to catch bugs before they become a problem.

Ideal Audience for This Course

If you are looking to become a skilled JavaScript developer, then this course on Udemy is the perfect place to start. There are three types of people who will benefit the most from this course.

  • If you are just starting out in your journey to become a developer, then this course is perfect for you.
  • If you have been working as a developer for a while but don’t have a formal education in computer science, then this course is a great way to fill in any gaps in your knowledge.
  • If you are interested in JavaScript but don’t have any prior experience, then this course is a great place to start.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

If you’re looking to become a skilled JavaScript developer, then this course is the perfect place to start. Let’s see what’s included in the course curriculum, so you’ll know exactly what you’ll be getting when you enroll.

  • This course on Udemy includes six hours of high-definition video content that covers all the essential concepts in JavaScript.
  • The videos are designed to be concise and to the point, so you won’t waste any time on unnecessary information.
  • To help you put your new skills into practice, the course includes 30 exercises and challenges with solutions.
  • In addition to the video content, the course includes expert tips and tricks to help you become a JavaScript wizard.
  • The course on Udemy is up-to-date and covers the latest best practices in JavaScript, so you won’t waste any time on outdated information.
  • The course is designed to be self-paced, so you can take your time and learn at your own pace.
  • Once you enroll in the course on Udemy, you’ll have unlimited access to the video content and all the other resources.
  • Upon completion of the course on Udemy, you’ll receive a certificate of completion that you can present to your current or future employer.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

Are you interested in becoming a web developer, or do you need to strengthen your understanding of JavaScript?

  • If you’re interested in becoming a web developer, then this course on Udemy is for you.
  • If you’re an existing developer who needs to strengthen your understanding of JavaScript, then this course on Udemy is also for you.

In conclusion, this course is an excellent investment in your future as a JavaScript developer. Whether you are just starting out or looking to enhance your skills, this course will help you achieve your goals. With the knowledge and skills you gain in this course, you will be able to build beautiful and functional websites and applications. So, why wait? Start your journey to mastering JavaScript today!


The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp Course -Udemy

Enhance Your JavaScript Skills with the Most Up-to-Date Online Resource! Build a Stunning Portfolio While Mastering the Language.

Why To Choose This Course?

Are you looking to enhance your JavaScript skills and build a stunning portfolio of projects? Then look no further, as Udemy’s Mastering JavaScript course is the perfect choice for you. Why you should choose this course and what you can expect to learn.

  • Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience with JavaScript, this course will teach you everything there is to know about the language.
  • Not only will you learn how to write JavaScript code, but you’ll also gain a deep understanding of how the language works internally.
  • You’ll get the opportunity to put your skills to the test by building a full e-commerce app complete with authentication.
  • Get creative and build your own physics-based JavaScript game
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest JavaScript features by learning about async and arrow functions.
  • You’ll learn how to build beautiful web apps and add them to your portfolio.
  • In addition to front-end development, you’ll also learn how to work with Node JS and Express.
  • You’ll learn how to automate testing your code by creating your own custom testing framework.
  • By taking this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how JavaScript developers work on a day-to-day basis.

Ideal Audience for This Course

If you’re looking to understand and master JavaScript, this course on Udemy is the ideal choice for you. The course is designed for a wide range of audiences, including:

  • Whether you’re a marketer, product manager, or simply a tech enthusiast, this course is designed to help you better understand JavaScript and its role in web development.
  • If you’re just starting out in the tech industry and want to learn web development, this course is a great place to start.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

From mastering the basics to developing practical skills, this curriculum is designed to help you build a strong foundation in the language. Here are just a few of the topics you’ll cover:

  • You will learn everything there is to know about JavaScript variables, objects, arrays, and functions.
  • You’ll learn how to design the structure of the code you write, leading to beautiful and easy-to-read programs.
  • You’ll develop practical skills that you’ll utilize for years to come, giving you a solid foundation in the language.
  • This section will help you understand how the JavaScript and browser work together and how you can increase the performance of your JS code.
  • You’ll build command line tools from scratch using Node JS.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

Whether you have a Windows-based computer, a MacOS-based computer, or a Linux-based computer, as long as you have access to a device that can run a web browser, you’re good to go! 

With your computer and an internet connection, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the high-quality, bite-sized videos and exercises that this course offers.

If you’re looking to learn JavaScript from scratch, or you’re an experienced developer looking to upgrade your skills, then the Modern JavaScript Bootcamp Course on Udemy is the perfect choice for you. This comprehensive course is designed to take you from a beginner to an expert in JavaScript in a matter of hours.


JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2023 (Beginner + Advanced)

JavaScript for Web Development: The Complete Guide” is a comprehensive course that equips aspiring web developers with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in their field.

This course covers both the basics and advanced concepts of JavaScript, making it ideal for individuals with little or no prior experience in JavaScript programming.

Why To Choose This Course?

With a focus on both fundamentals and advanced concepts, this course offers a comprehensive and dynamic learning experience.

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should choose this course:

  • One of the key benefits of this course is that it teaches you how to manipulate web pages using JavaScript.
  • This course covers object-oriented programming (OOP), which is a key aspect of modern software development.
  • Web development requires more than just writing code. You need to ensure that your applications are secure, reliable and efficient. This course covers these crucial aspects of web development, including testing, security, and deployment.
  • This course covers meta-programming, performance optimization, and memory leak busting, providing you with the knowledge you need to build fast, efficient, and scalable applications.
  • This course covers event handling, asynchronous coding, and HTTP requests, providing you with the knowledge you need to build dynamic and interactive web applications.

Ideal Audience for This Course

Here’s a look at some of the ideal audiences for this course:

  • If you’re new to web development and have little to no experience with JavaScript, this course is perfect for you.
  • If you already know the basics of JavaScript, but want to deepen your knowledge, this course is a great choice.
  • For experienced JavaScript developers who want to learn more about the nitty-gritty details and dive into advanced concepts, this course is ideal.
  • Whether you’re an aspiring web developer or simply interested in learning how JavaScript works, this course is a great choice.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

The curriculum of this JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts course is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of the basics and advanced concepts of JavaScript programming, making it ideal for a wide range of learners, from beginner to advanced.

  • The course starts with an overview of the basics of JavaScript programming, including variables, constants, functions, and the way scripts are loaded. 
  • One of the key highlights of the course is its emphasis on core concepts of JavaScript, including the special features of JavaScript functions, as well as different syntaxes.
  • Classes and object-oriented programming are also explored in great detail, providing students with a thorough understanding of working with classes, prototypes, constructor functions, and the “this” keyword.
  • Asynchronous and synchronous programming is another critical aspect of JavaScript programming that is covered in the course.
  • The course explores callbacks, promises, async/await and other important tools and language features to execute code correctly.
  • Additionally, there is a dedicated section on Node.js, which provides an in-depth understanding of the JavaScript host environment.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

Whether you have little to no experience in JavaScript programming or simply want to deepen your knowledge, this course has got you covered. Here’s what you need to get started:

  • This course is designed to teach you JavaScript from scratch, so no prior knowledge of the language is required.
  • You’ll need to have some basic knowledge of how the web works, but beyond that, no prior programming experience is necessary.

So if you’re ready to take your web development skills to the next level and learn JavaScript, this course is the perfect choice for you! With comprehensive video tutorials, quizzes, and coding exercises, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a web developer with a solid foundation in JavaScript programming.


JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts Udemy

This Udemy course is designed for individuals in the industry and is taught by a seasoned JavaScript programmer based in Silicon Valley. The instructor has a track record of successfully teaching students who are now employed at tech powerhouses such as Google, IBM, and Facebook.

The curriculum covers all essential JavaScript concepts that will equip you with the skills to reach the level of a senior JavaScript programmer.

Why To Choose This Course?

This course on Udemy, taught by an experienced JavaScript programmer in Silicon Valley, covers all the essential concepts you need to become a senior JavaScript developer.

Here are just a few of the topics you’ll dive into in this course:

  • This course will teach you how to use OOP principles in JavaScript, including inheritance and encapsulation, to build complex and maintainable applications.
  • This course will teach you how to use functional programming techniques in JavaScript to write clean, maintainable, and scalable code.
  • This course will explain the inner workings of JavaScript engines and runtimes, and how they help you run your code efficiently.
  • This course will teach you how to use Stack Overflow to troubleshoot issues, find solutions to problems, and learn from the experience of others.
  • This course will teach you the pros and cons of each approach and how to choose the right one for your project.
  • This course will teach you how to use scope and execution context effectively to write efficient and maintainable code.
  • This course will teach you how to use asynchronous programming techniques, such as Promises and async/await, to handle multiple operations at once.
  • This course will teach you how to use try/catch and other error-handling techniques to write robust and resilient code.

And more…

In addition to these topics, this course covers a wide range of other crucial JavaScript concepts that will help you become a senior JavaScript developer.

Ideal Audience for This Course

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance your career, this course has something to offer. Here’s a closer look at the ideal audience for this course:

  • If you’re a developer who wants to be considered among the top 10% of JavaScript programmers, this course is for you.
  • If you’ve completed a bootcamp or online tutorials in JavaScript, this course is the perfect opportunity to go beyond the basics and dive into more advanced concepts.
  • If you’re a junior JavaScript developer, this course is the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the language and build a solid foundation for your career.
  • If you’re a junior web developer, this course will help you understand how JavaScript works and how to use it to build dynamic, interactive web pages.
  • If you’re a programmer who doesn’t want to waste time on basics and wants to dive deep into the language, this course is for you.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

The course curriculum covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, so you can become a successful JavaScript developer. Here’s a closer look at what’s included in the course:

  • The course starts by introducing you to the JavaScript engine and how it works.
  • Next, you’ll learn about the JavaScript runtime, including the event loop and how it handles async code execution.
  • The course also covers the interpreter, compiler, and JIT compiler, and how they work together to execute JavaScript code.
  • The course also covers the call stack and memory heap, and how they are used to manage function calls and memory allocation in JavaScript.
  • You’ll learn about the single threaded model of JavaScript and how it impacts code execution.
  • The course covers the execution context and how it is used to execute code in JavaScript.
  • Finally, you’ll learn about this keyword and how to use call(), apply(), and bind() to change the value of this in your code.

And Many More

These are just a few of the topics covered in the course. You’ll also learn about object-oriented and functional programming, composition vs inheritance, error handling, stack overflow, and much more.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

This Udemy course is designed to help you become a senior JavaScript developer, but what do you need to get started? Here’s a closer look at the requirements for the course:

  • The good news is that you don’t need a high-end computer to take this course.
  • The course assumes that you have a basic understanding of JavaScript.

So, if you’re looking to become a skilled JavaScript developer and want to learn from an experienced instructor who has taught students now working at top tech companies, consider enrolling in “JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts” on Udemy today.


JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio

Enhance your portfolio and resume by using the latest technologies of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create responsive and mobile-friendly projects that showcase your skills and abilities.

Why To Choose This Course?

In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to work on 20 hands-on projects using the latest tools and technologies in the industry, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should choose this course.

  • This course provides you with 20 projects that you can work on, using pure JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. You’ll have access to all the code provided, so you can focus on learning and building your portfolio.
  • This course teaches you the UI/UX practices you need to know to build applications that look and work great on all devices.
  • In this course, you’ll learn best practices for writing JavaScript code that is easy to maintain and efficient.
  • In this course, you’ll learn about modern HTML5 features such as the Canvas element, Video and Audio elements, and more.
  • You’ll learn about AJAX, the Fetch API, Promises, and Async + Await, among other topics.
  • In this course, you’ll learn about modern CSS3 features such as animations, transitions, variables, and more.

Ideal Audience for This Course

JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio” is the perfect course for anyone looking to take their web development skills to the next level.

  • The 20 hands-on projects provided in this course will give you the confidence and skills you need to build your own projects and add them to your portfolio.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to work on real-world projects using the latest tools and technologies in the industry, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • Are you new to web development or have only basic knowledge of JavaScript? If so, this course is an excellent place to start. You’ll learn modern JavaScript practices and have the opportunity to work on hands-on projects that will help you build your portfolio and enhance your skills.
  • You’ll learn about the latest tools and technologies in the industry and have the opportunity to work on real-world projects using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • If you’re looking to add more projects to your portfolio or resume, this course is an excellent choice.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

Let’s see what’s included in the course curriculum and the benefits each project will offer to help you reach your goals.

  • You’ll learn how to install the necessary tools and software, including a code editor and a local development server, to get started.
  • You’ll learn how to create a quote generator that pulls random quotes from an API.
  • You’ll learn how to create an infinite scroll feature that allows users to load more content as they scroll down the page.
  • You’ll learn how to create a picture in picture feature using JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.
  • You’ll learn how to use asynchronous JavaScript and work with API data to create a dynamic, user-friendly web application.
  • You’ll learn how to create a light and dark mode toggle using JavaScript and CSS3.
  • You’ll learn about CSS animations and transitions and how to use them to create a visually appealing and dynamic web application.

And more!

These are just a few examples of the projects included in this course. With 20 projects in total, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice your skills and build your portfolio.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

  • The course is designed for developers who already have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • This course can be taken on any computer with any operating system, including Windows, Mac, or Linux.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to take your web development skills to the next level and build a robust portfolio, “JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio” on Udemy is the course for you. With its comprehensive curriculum, hands-on projects, and access to all the code provided, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.


JavaScript Tutorial and Projects Course (2023)

The “JavaScript Tutorial and Projects Course (2023) on Udemy” is a comprehensive course that covers all the basics of the JavaScript programming language, as well as more advanced topics. Discover the Power of JavaScript by Creating Over 30 Exciting Projects.

Why To Choose This Course?

Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why this course is a great choice for anyone looking to learn JavaScript.

  • You will learn about the basics of the language, including syntax, data types, variables, operators, control structures, and functions.
  • In addition to learning about the basics of the language, you will also learn about the basics of working with JavaScript.
  • One of the key challenges of working with JavaScript is figuring out how to add it to your projects. In this course, you will learn how to add JavaScript to your projects, as well as how to work with popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as jQuery and React.
  • In this course, you will build over 30 interesting projects using JavaScript. These projects range in difficulty from simple exercises to more complex applications, and are a great way to practice your skills and build your portfolio.

Ideal Audience for This Course

If you’re new to programming and want to start working with JavaScript, this course is an excellent choice. The course starts with the basics of the language, including syntax, data types, variables, operators, control structures, and functions. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of JavaScript and be well on your way to becoming a proficient JavaScript developer.

What Is Included in The Course Curriculum?

The course curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of JavaScript to more advanced topics, such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and deployment. Let’s explore what is included in the course curriculum.

  • You will learn how to use Visual Studio Code to write and run your JavaScript code, and how to use Google Chrome to debug and test your code.
  • You will learn how to write basic JavaScript programs and how to use JavaScript to manipulate and interact with web pages.
  • You will learn how to select and manipulate elements on a web page, how to add and remove elements, and how to use events to make your pages dynamic and interactive.
  • You will learn how to host your projects on popular platforms, such as GitHub Pages, and how to make your projects accessible to the world.
  • You will learn how to use JavaScript to create objects, how to define and use classes, and how to use inheritance and polymorphism to build more complex and reusable applications.

And more:

In addition to these topics, the course covers a wide range of other topics, including working with arrays, working with strings and numbers, and working with popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as jQuery and React.

What Are Requirements for This Course?

In order to make the most of this course, there are a few basic requirements that you should have.

  • This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, the two foundational technologies of the web.
  • You will need a computer with an internet connection to take this course.
  • One of the essential tools for any JavaScript developer is a text editor, and Visual Studio Code is the text editor of choice for this course.
  • Finally, you will need a web browser to test and debug your JavaScript code.

If you are ready to start your journey into JavaScript development, “JavaScript Tutorial and Projects Course (2023)” is the perfect place to start. So, enroll now, and start building your skills, your projects, and your future!


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